
Spring (2015)


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Most articles I have read about Spring have mentioned the difficulty in pinning down what genre of film it is. Firstly, it does not belong in the horror genre - in the mainstream sense. Spring is, put simply, a modern gothic fairytale. The premise of the film is as follows: a down-and-out young man flees America to Italy for a while . . .

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September 29, 2015

Digging For Fire (2015)


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Digging For Fire is the film mumblecore cinema has been trying to achieve over the past decade. Joe Swanberg finally creates a film that involves several meandering characters, in a short space of time whilst effectively displaying a stylistic touch to the film.

In Drinking Buddies, it became very clear that Swanberg is an . . .

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September 13, 2015

Love & Mercy // Straight Outta Compton

★★★★ // ★★★

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This review will focus on each film individually and bounce them against each other. A paradox, I know, but consider it a quantum mechanical review: depending on whether you think the review is evaluating each film individually or together, the review will collapse into that state. (N.B: To disregard a bias issue it is important to . . .

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September 05, 2015

Z For Zachariah (2015)


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Z For Zachariah is an understated three character drama, exploring sexual and emotional politics in a post-apocalyptic world. Acting, directing, cinematography and colour grading take the stage - in that order.

Firstly, I would like to address the complaints that the film is incorrectly labelled as science-fiction. This . . .

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September 02, 2015

Trailer Watch: The Danish Girl

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After his hilarious performance in Jupiter Ascending, Eddie Redmayne seems to be back on track with what looks like another Oscar-nominated performance in The Danish Girl. Alicia Vikander, whose career has exploded on-screen in the past year plays Redmayne's wife who has to deal with the unique position she is thrust in. Another . . .

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September 01, 2015

Magic Mike XXL (2015)


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Magic Mike XXL is a surprisingly unusual film, a story-less story in a not-quite-a-film. The running jokes about these film are real, for once: everyone knows that the Magic Mike films are purely about sexual appeal. However, Magic Mike XXL embraces this fact and celebrates it, changing it from exploitation to genuine celebration.

. . .

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August 31, 2015

Franklyn (2008)


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Where did this film come from, and how have I never heard of it in seven years? Franklyn is a bizarre, original, imperfect and polished fever-dream of an art project. I immediately went to check what else director Gerald McMorrow has done, and what projects he has lined up. Sadly, there was virtually nothing.

You can tell . . .

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August 25, 2015


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