
Groundhog Day (1993) Retrospective

The Relevance And Philosophy Of A Classic Comedy

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Upon first seeing Groundhog Day, I enjoyed it very much as a comedy that was successful in making me laugh. This was when I was still too young to appreciate the nuances of film. It took a couple of rewatches, and shock in seeing it in Roger Ebert's Great Movies collection, to realise that it is not only a brilliant comedy, but . . .

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February 02, 2016

Sisters (2016) Review


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Sisters is a decent candy comedy. However, the promising A-list cast certainly has a great pull factor, but will inevitably leave those who want some depth sorely disappointed. There are laughs in the film, so it will succeed for some people. But surely that's all a comedy needs to accomplish!, I hear you cry. Yes, to a certain . . .

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January 10, 2016

The Big Short (2016) Review


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There's always a great degree of difficulty when writing a review for a film like The Big Short, or any film that is about a pivotal moment in history: the moment overshadows the film. To not be drowned by it's thematic and factual material, traditional methods of filmmaking need to be discarded to ensure that the film as a . . .

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January 05, 2016

Sicario (2015) Review


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Sicario is a film that is as close to the hyperbole "unrelentingly intense" as a film can get. It's a film about morally grey areas, commonplace violence and brutality. The characters in the film are varying shades of bad, with only Emily Blunt's fairly one-dimensional character an anchor for the average viewer to . . .

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January 02, 2016

The Lobster (2015) Review


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Yorgos Lanthimos' newest film The Lobster is his English-language debut. While some director's lose some of their voice with their first English-language film, Lanthimos remains firmly himself. The Lobster is a delicate beast of a film, and I use this oxymoron because so much of the film's beauty relies on such . . .

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December 31, 2015

Slow Learners (2015) Review


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Slow Learners is a rom-com and there is nothing more to it, despite the tone of the film which suggests a more mature examination of how people interact. There's even a prerequisite final romantic gesture that will satisfy even those ardent rom-com fans that demand only the very gushiest climax. The difference between a good . . .

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December 24, 2015

The Walk (2015) Review


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Robert Zemeckis, a director whom I associate with making reliable blockbusters in the spirit of the Hollywood of way back when, strikes again with the visually satisfying tale of Phillipe Petit's audacious and incredible wire-walking stunt between the Twin Towers.

Like the recent Brangelina film By The Sea, a large . . .

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December 22, 2015


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